progress narrative

progress narrative

Naive Optimism and the Costs of Progress

Schmachtenberger critiques the naive belief that technological and economic progress unequivocally improves humanity's condition.

While advancements like antibiotics and reduced infant mortality are undeniably beneficial, this perspective often ignores the hidden costs: environmental degradation, species extinction, and the depletion of non-renewable resources (e.g., fossil fuels, rare minerals).

Finite Resources and Unsustainable Growth:

The narrative of progress is subsidized by the Earth’s finite resources (e.g., fossil fuels, biodiversity, aquifers). We are depleting these resources millions of times faster than they regenerate.

This reliance creates a growth imperative tied to economic systems (e.g., GDP), where growth is necessary to sustain modern financial and institutional models.

Selective Benefits of Progress

Progress has not been equally beneficial for all. Many indigenous cultures, species, and oppressed groups have borne the costs of progress. This introduces a critique of progress as benefiting an "in-group" at the expense of out-groups, future generations, or the biosphere as a whole.

Wide vs Narrow Definitions of Progress

Schmachtenberger advocates for a wide-boundary definition of progress, considering all stakeholders, including future generations and other life forms. This approach contrasts with narrow definitions focused solely on metrics like GDP, short-term profits, or immediate technological gains.

Challenges in Systemic Change

Current systems are structured to prioritize short-term goals and measurable outputs (e.g., feeding more people today). However, these often externalize long-term harms (e.g., environmental damage).

Narrow optimizations lead to systemic fragility and risk tipping points that threaten all life support systems on Earth.

Intelligence vs Wisdom

Intelligence often focuses on achieving narrow goals efficiently, while wisdom considers long-term and systemic impacts.

The imbalance between intelligence and wisdom has allowed for rapid technological progress without sufficient foresight to mitigate its consequences.

Implications for the Meta Crisis

The meta-crisis encompasses interconnected challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, and governance failures. The conversation highlights the need for

Restraints on runaway technological and economic systems.

A shift from intelligence-driven innovation to wisdom-guided systems thinking.

Global cooperation to prevent "race to the bottom" dynamics, where short-term competitiveness undermines long-term survival.

episode info

Podcast:: The Great Simpflication


Speakers: Daniel Schmachtenberger, Nate Hagens