meta crisis

humanity is headed towards self-termination

is there hope?


the convergence of multiple, interconnected systemic crises that collectively pose an existential threat to humanity and the biosphere.

  • environmental degradation
    • climate change
    • biodiversity loss
    • pollution
  • economic instability
    • wealth inequality
    • unsustainable growth
    • financial system fragility
  • social fragmentation
    • polarization
    • misinformation
    • loss of trust
  • tech risks
    • AI misuse
    • biosecurity threats
    • surveillance
  • governance failures
    • short-termism
    • corruption
    • lack of global coordination


the collective force of humanity functioning as a single entity, driven by shared systems to pursue endless growth and resources, now passing sustainable limits.

jevon's paradox

increases in efficiency (or energy output) will generate an increase in resource consumption rather than decrease.

multipolar trap

competing groups persue their own short-term interests in ways that lead to harmful, unsustainable outcomes that none desire but are unable to avoid.

perverse incentives

rewards or pressures in a system that unintentionally encourage harmful or counterproductive behaviors, leading individuals or groups to act in ways that undermine the system's long-term goals or well-being.

planetary boundaries

the limits of Earth's systems—like climate, biodiversity, and water cycles—that humans must stay within to avoid destabilizing the planet and risking ecological collapse.

embedded growth obligation

the built-in need for modern economies to keep growing to remain stable, even when endless growth is unsustainable and harms the planet.

dunbar number

the idea that humans can maintain meaningful social relationships with about 150 people, beyond which trust and connection break down.

podcast notes

coming soon